It took me six and a half years to do this, but I finally managed to install an email subscription form for readers of this blog. The link is here. No more nasty RSS feeds that no one knows how to use!

The email subscription form for this blog uses MailChimp. Each time I publish a post, I will send an email to everyone on the list using MailChimp’s “Campaign” feature.

Incidentally, this is the same kind of email form we use over at the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Blog. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the BAIR Blog! As a member of the editorial board, I know the posts that are coming up next. I obviously cannot reveal the exact content, though I can say that we have lots of interesting stuff lined up for 2018 and beyond.

For assistance on getting this set up, I thank Jane Liang, a UC Berkeley EECS student who set up MailChimp for the BAIR Blog. I also thank Dominic Spadacene, who wrote dead-simple HTML installation instructions on his Ctrl-F’d blog.